Saturday, July 13, 2013



                 Jesus said of John The Baptist,  " I tell you, among those born of woman there is no one greater than John" (Luke 7:28).   Jesus and John were related to each other (second cousins).  As the forerunner to Jesus, John prepared the way for Jesus to enter into His personal ministry.  He taught the multitudes that One would come whose sandals he was unworthy to untie.  He also announced that Jesus would baptize with fire and with the Holy Spirit.  And it was John who baptized Jesus in the River Jordan after proclaiming that He was "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world".  After Jesus came up out of the water heaven opened and God spoke, "This is My Son whom I love; with Him I am well pleased".  John was led of the Holy Spirit in all these things and he witnessed all this things.  John heard God's voice.  As a matter of fact John's own birth was very special.  The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah, John's father, to announce his birth.  Gabriel told Zechariah that John would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.  In Biblical history John The Baptist is one the greatest characters. 

But then we fast-forward to Matthew 11:2 and we read this incredible account:  "When John heard in prison what Christ was doing he sent his disciples to ask Him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" "

That is a strange question from the lips of a man with great faith and who came into the world to introduce the Savior.  Is John doubting everything he experienced and saw?  What Happened?
What about Elisha, another one of the greatest prophets in history?  The most famous story concerning Elijah was when he invited the prophets of Baal up to mount Carmel for a show of power (1 Kings, Chapter 18).  He proposed a competition between him and 450 of the prophets of Baal.  They cup up two bullocks and put wood under each one.  Then each team was to pray for fire to burn the wood and the bullocks.  Elijah, team 1, had one bullock and the 450 prophets of Baal, team 2, had the other.  The 450 prophets went first and they began to call on their god.  Nothing happened.  No fire!!  Elijah began to mock them.  He suggested that their god was probably visiting with someone, on vacation, or taking a siesta.  The prophets tried harder.  They even cut themselves and their blood ran heavily.  Elijah's turn now.  He even made it more impressive by having barrels of water thrown on his bullock and the wood.  After a simple and short prayer our Lord sent down a fire that consumed the bullock, the wood, the water, and even the dust.  Elijah then had the 450 prophets killed.  Immediately after this Elijah, in prayer, ended the drought that had plagued the people for a very long time.  And if that wasn't enough the story is followed by Elijah asking King Ahab to leave mount Carmel before the rains.  Then King Ahab takes off in his royal steed, the best horse in the nation.  In yet another miraculous event Elijah pulls up his garment, takes off running, passes the king on his steed, and gets to Jezreel, about a marathon race away, ahead the king.  Elijah's name is historical.
But then at the beginning of the next chapter we read where Queen Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah.  And suddenly Elijah has a meltdown.  He goes into a depressed state and wants God to take him away.  He wants to die.  He mocked 450 prophets, called rain down, outran a royal horse, and just because a woman threatens him he is ready quit.  What happened?
Then we have the great Moses, who was used of God to bring the entire Nation of Israel out of Egyptian bondage through great miracles of God.  Yet Moses feared men so he often introduced his wife as his sister.  What happened?  Are these not men of unquestionable faith?
There are more men and women of great faith who at one time or another seemed to hit rock bottom and they questioned God's presence and His purpose for their mission and lives.  Jesus himself spoke, "My God, my God , why have you forsaken Me?"
Many of God's great servants with huge ministries have been down this road.  It is a trial. God seems to take a step back.  And immediately the enemy steps forward and begins to speak.  You feel alone, abandoned, powerless, without a purpose, and even depressed.  This often happens at the end of great victories.  You question your call, you question what God has done through you, you feel useless, you feel like you are just spinning your wheels, you sense that even those closest to you (those who swore that they would always be there for you)  have left you.  Everything in your personal life seems to be going South.  You take inventory and you even think about abandoning ship.  You want to quit.  And many of God's servant do just that...they get up and leave their sacred duties.  Like Peter, they go back to fishing when the Lord's presence is gone.  They have not only forgotten who they are but they have forgotten whose they are.  Some not only turn their backs on their calling and those whom you were called to serve, but worse than that, they turn their backs on God.
Why am I writing all this?  Two reasons:  One (the primary reason), I felt very strongly that I should write this because someone out there needs to read this.  The Lord would not allow me to let it go, although I wanted to.  Two, because for a many months I experienced some of these very same things. 
Many, many times this year I have felt the spiritual darkness that hovers over this City as a big weight upon my shoulders. Sometimes I felt as if I was sharing my own bed with the hordes of hell. I have been frustrated with the church leaders who, because of ignorance, make it harder for me to help them.  It is similar to a person who is drowning and you are trying to reach out to them but they start kicking and punching you. Loneliness set in bigger than I can describe.  And, yes, some who I thought would never leave me have left.  But yet I know that I am where I am supposed to be.   
There is no way that I can compare myself with the caliber of men mentioned above, but I am doing God's work, as is every Christian in the planet.  God does not measure a ministry by size, but by obedience.  The world measures ministries by size, and small or big these uncertainties will come.  It is at those times that we must remember whose we are.  We must remember the call that brought us to this point.  We must remember God's promises.  And we must remember that no matter how bad things seem, and how distant God appears to be, that His Word is ever present and real and it is on that knowledge we must rely.  Feelings will steer us wrong, but God's Word will never fail us.  His Word is the root, the foundation, the essence, the basis of faith.  When we say that we have faith we are saying that we have faith in God's Word.  His word is eternal, everlasting.  His promises are His words.  His Word and promises will always come to pass.  Always!!!  
When God seems to take a step back He never takes His word with Him.  His word is still in our hearts and minds.  In that we must trust. 
I recently spoke about Elisha being called to become Elijah's assistant.  Before Elisha departed he took the oxen that he was plowing with and killed them.  He then cooked them with the wooden equipment that was used to team up the oxen.  What Elisha did was to burn the bridge that would take him back where he was should the ministry get too tough.  Sometimes we leave our call because we have failed to burn the bridge that takes us back.  The ever present bridge makes it too easy to return to the plow and to the fishing nets.  
In a few weeks I will complete 2 years of living in Juarez, Mexico.  Usually at the two year mark in a ministry is when we first face these uncertainties and attacks of the enemy on a large scale.  Then another few weeks more and I will hit the 60 year mark, which I am not afraid of.  I was destined to be here in Juarez and I believe that I have burned as many bridges as I can possibly burn.  I have been going over God's promises given to me for the City of Juarez, for the Nation of Mexico, and for myself.  The promises are incredible.  The visions are remarkable.  I must not allow myself to forget them.
I am still doing some personal evaluations and re-commitments.  And I am remembering the vision(s) that God has given me.  I have been burying myself in the Scriptures and spending more time in prayer.  I know the enemy and this is not was he was wanting to happen.  I am weak in myself, yet very strong in Christ.  When the enemy attacks heavily it is because he knows that great things are coming.
I can't close without mentioning that there has been an untold number of victories over the last several months.  I will mention some in another blog entry. 
I also cannot or dare to forget all my prayer warriors that have stood with me.  Your prayers are my breath.  They are my life source in Juarez.  Your prayers go before me and behind me.  I give a million thanks to those who sacrifice financially to support this work and my presence here.  Only heaven knows the impact that you have had on this City and on my life.  Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.  
Daniel Torres
650 Linwood Drive
El Paso, Texas 79928
For tax credit send contributions to:
Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 8126
Searcy, Arkansas 72145