Thursday, September 20, 2012


How many times have you heard it said, "find a need and meet it"?  In Juarez, Mexico the needs come at you faster than you can think. But along the way come some needs that require something more than a prayer.  

Recently I received a call about a some kids that needed a good meal at least once a week.  I had been in that neighborhood before and I visited with a family there.  As with most places in Juarez the houses in the neighborhood have been abandoned due to the mass exodus caused by the violence.  Hundreds of thousands of people have left Juarez since 2007. Most of the people who remain in Juarez are the very poor.  They can't afford to leave.  At one time there was a place in this particular neighborhood that was feeding the kids on Saturday morning.  However the people running the small feeding center decided to use the donated food for themselves and sell the rest to appease their drug habit.  When they fed the kids, for entertainment they would have the boys fight each other.  For three months the kids have not received anything.  Some were still coming on Saturdays in hopes of finding something to eat.  They returned home with empty stomachs.  The Christian people living close to this place spoke to me about all this.  When I was there a few months ago I gave them my number and now they were calling me for help.  I went back, visited, and investigated the problem.  I knew something had to be done but I did not want to deal with the people who were stealing the food that a group from El Paso was giving them to feed the kids.  I asked a family, Juan and Lupe and their kids, living a few houses from the "feeding center" if they would be willing to help set up a lunchroom using their home and the two abandoned houses next to them. They agreed and we got things rolling.  I knew a ministry that was selling chairs so I went and bought them. Nineteen chairs for $60US.  Juan found some plywood and made 2 tables.  I also purchased the food and delivered it a couple of days early so that a menu could be planned. 

We set last Saturday morning as the first day the new lunchroom.  I asked them to pass the word around.  They commented that some people were afraid to come only because they thought that it was the same lunchroom as before.  They reassured them that this time things were going to be different.  We had 20 kids show up on Saturday.  The Lord provided a lady who wanted to do a Bible study with the kids and I also gave them the plan of salvation using the wordless Bible.  Within minutes all the kids, except for a little boy (pictured above), knew the plan of salvation.  The kids had a great time.  Most had 2 big plate fulls of good food.  I have not become insensitive to the constant barrage of needs that I see daily.  I fought back my emotions as I watched the children eat and learn.  

I stay busy in Juarez.  A lunchroom was not something that I was looking for.  But when the need smacks you in the face you must take action.  I'm sure this will grow quickly.  Soon parents will start coming as well.  Before long there will  be a church there.  This lunchroom will be a huge blessing to these kids who need to be loved and need to hear that Jesus loves them. 

Four miles from the lunchroom is where Juan and Lupe and their kids go to church. They walk to church. Their Pastor wanted to meet me. The name of the church is CHRIST IS THE ANSWER. The Pastor, Enrique Ramirez, showed me a few burned timbers around the church. Their old church was burned down. Arson.  For five years they have struggled to rebuild a new church.  When I first saw the church I swallowed hard.  It looked like maybe a handful of people congregated there. I was wrong. Almost 200 come to the Sunday service. But there are no funds to continue to build the church.  These are very poor people. Most of the church is without a roof.  They placed tarps over the top to try to keep the sun out. The wind whips the tarps around and you can hear the snapping during the delightful and joyous services. The church is in the middle of the desert, about a 1/4 mile from a hardtop road.  The real cold weather will be here soon.  Pastor Ramirez dreams of enclosing the building which is actually 2 donated trailers with a large open space between them.

Last Sunday Pastor Ramirez baptized 21 members with a baptistry that I let him borrow.

It's hard to believe that so many walk so far to get to this church.  They are almost outdoors without heat or cold air, and no running water.  Water for the commode is hauled in.  Yet the people smile, sing, and rejoice before the Lord.  They seem to be the happiest people on earth.  

Life here is very simple.  No one worries about big houses, where the next vacation will be, the car payment, and so on.  They have something to eat today and something to wear.  Tomorrow is another day.   

Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box169
El Paso, TX 79936

For tax credit:
Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 8126
Searcy, AR 72145