Angels. Everyone is fascinated by them. They are huge, powerful, beautiful, and highly respected. The Old Testament book of 2 Kings chapter 19 and verse 35 speaks of the angel of the Lord destroying the Assyrian Army, all 185,000 men. That's a huge army for one individual to destroy. Angels also appear before the presence of God. Would you like to be transformed into an angel? Some, maybe most, would say that they would.
For me that would be an offer that I would have to pass. I wouldn't want to be an angel. Actually, if the Lord were to ask me (and He wouldn't) if I wanted Him to transform me into an angel I would be highly offended. To me it would clearly be a demotion of status. I prefer to remain a Child of God. Let me explain what I mean.
Angels are created beings used mostly by God as messengers and ministering spirits. They are here to protect and are under God's direction. Humans are also created but humans are created in the image and likeness of God. Angels are not. Angels do not have the capacity to love or to be compassionate. Only humans have the honor and privilege to love and be compassionate. A Child of God loves and is compassionate like no one else on Earth.
Angels cannot be redeemed. Jesus did not die on the cross for angels. No demon can receive salvation. The cross is only for humans.
No angel has ever been or ever will be called a Child of God. Only redeemed human beings have that highest of honors and privilege. Only a redeemed human being becomes a Child of God.
On the cross of Calvary Jesus elevated redeemed man (only those that accept Jesus as Lord and Savior) to such heights that he, redeemed man - the Church - the Bride, sit with Christ in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6; Colosians 2:12, 3:1-3). There is no seat reserved for angels in the throne room of God. Angels come to the throne room to receive orders. The orders are given by the trinity...and the Child of God. How is this possible? Through prayer.
Prayer is the Churches greatest privilege. You will never read in Scripture where an angel utters a prayer. Only a Child of God has that honor and privilege.
About prayer: Why would God institute something called "prayer"? Because He wants us to rule and reign. We are Kings and Priests (Revelation 5:10). And we, the redeemed - the church, rule through prayer. That means that God will not move His hands to action unless we, the Bride, pray first. He will not violate our rightful, lawful, proper, authorized, and legal place as Kings and Priests by acting without us. The redeemed have the honor and privilege to make history and to change history on Earth. How many times does the Lord asks, even demands, that we...ASK? One soul cannot be saved unless the church makes that request before God. Ask in His Name and He "will do it". Angels have no rights to prayer...but if you are a Child of God you have all the rights. It is your responsibility. Prayer is not a suggestion, it is a command. "But when ye pray..."
Two questions: 1). Would God institute prayer and then choose to DO the things that we don't pray about? No. He would be violating the place that He gave to us in the Throne Room through Christ. 2). Would God ask us to pray and then NOT do the things that we ask for in Christ's name? No. That would make Him a liar. But we pray in faith, nothing wavering (James 1:5-7).
Let me ask again: Would you like to be transformed into an angel? I hope not!!! Because a Child of God, though weak as he may look, is more powerful that all the armies of hell. One Child of God, no matter how young (even a 5 year old) can come against the hordes of Satan on his knees and be victorious. One old saint that needs help to get up from his knees can invade hell and totally change the history of this world. One Child of God has rights and privileges that angels can only covet. Angels have nothing on a Child of God.
So get up, church!!! Quit playing patty-cake in God's presence. Sit down at the throne room of God and take your proper place. There was a dear price paid for that place. Speak things that are not as thought they were. Be brave, be strong, be courageous. Be Jesus to the world. Grace and peace to you.
I love you my beloved!
Please pray for this, your servant in Christ.
Daniel Torres
650 Linwood Drive
El Paso, Texas 79928
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