Monday, November 12, 2012



                  I have used the expression "emotional roller coaster" several times in my writings.  This blog entry may show what I mean by that expression.  There are usually times of extreme joy followed by times of hard pain.  Sometimes there is an emotional crash when the joy and the pain are experienced at the very same time.  It's a time when something absolutely wonderful and something very sad occurs at the same time.  What do you do then?  How do you respond? I am reminded of Jesus dying on the cross.  There was pain and sorrow like man has never known before, yet it was the greatest victory that Heaven and Earth could ever experience.  Life on the mission field is full of such emotions. Here are some examples:


Pastor Enrique Ramirez' church, Cristo Es La Repuesta, has been without a roof for a very long time.  The church needed $2,500 to put up the roof and a main entry door.  I mentioned that in a past blog entry and a young family in Arkansas decided to take on the project.  They sent money and I had the joy of announcing the blessing to the entire church, seeing the happy faces, handing the money to the Pastor, and watching the roof start to go up. I don't know if there's a happier Pastor and congregation in Juarez.


Just last week I met a man by the name of Mister Chuy ( Don Chuy in Spanish. Chuy is a nickname for those whose name is Jesus, a very common name in Spanish countries). Don Chuy is very poor.  He is also a diabetic. He lives less than 3 feet from a pig pen. I found out that he is so poor that when the pigs are fed, and the owner leaves, Chuy reaches in and helps himself to some of the pig slop. His tiny shack is made out of scrap wood and pallets. His bed is made of wood and his blanket is a blue plastic tarp. A neighbor lets him run an electric cord out to his place so that he can use his hot plate to warm up the slop. I saw a small bag of special flour for him to make his own tortillas. The shack is about an 8 X 8, the ceiling touched my head, and the floor is dirt. The shack has no door, but a small piece of wood to cover the opening which is only about 18 inches wide by about 36 inches tall. There is no heat in the shack (I thought about that last night as the temperatures in Juarez were close to freezing). The smell is very unpleasant due to the pigs. Chuy wears two different style shoes.

Spanish American Evangelistic Ministries (S.A.E.M.), in El Paso, has been giving me bread on a regular basis to take into Juarez. Chuy, and his neighbor, Eunisa, have been the recipients of some of the bread. Eunisa is also very poor and she uses a walker to get around. I plan to see them on a regular basis and help them as much as possible. I have some clothes and blankets to take to them next time. 

Something that always amazes about most people who are as poor as Chuy is their generosity. They know how terrible it is to be in their condition and they have compassion for others who are as needy. Last week I gave Chuy 3 coins of 10 pesos each (about $2.50U.S. total). He held them in his hands and handed me back one of the coins while telling me to give that to some of the other poor folk in the area. He wanted them to have assistance also. Chuy would never have a hard time tithing.


Colonia Granjas Unidas is a section of Juarez that I just recently have come to know. I consider it to be very lovely due to the hills in the neighborhood, but it is still very poor and trash abounds. The Colonia, or neighborhood, is in serious need of a church. I will be looking into that very closely. I have already spoken to the president of the Colonia and the Lord has given me favor with her. I have taken food to her at the Community Center and together we have handed it out amongst some of the poor. She has given me permission to hold services at the Community Center. I need to meet with her to make arrangements for that.

This past Sunday, on my way to another Colonia to preach, I stopped again by Colonia Granjas Unidas to visit Susana. I just met her last week. I found out that Susana and her husband were raising pigs in order to pay for a much needed gall bladder surgery. Lately she has been in extreme pain. I know how to get rid of gall stones without surgery, so I was bringing her everything that she needed for the treatment. While I was there her husband followed me out to my car and spoke to me about the Lord. He was very interested in the things of God so I told him that I would visit again soon and spend the entire day with him. He was very happy about that. God opens these doors all the time.

A couple of weeks ago I was allowed by the kindergarten teacher in this Colonia to come in and speak to the children about Jesus. As I was speaking I turned around to look at the teacher and she was in tears. I was able to minister to the kids, the teacher, and one of the moms that came to pick up her kids.


In all, I have made a number of friends at this humble Colonia and it would be an ideal place for a team from the U.S. to come and spend several days ministering and enjoying this lovely place. I could say more about this Colonia, but I'll save that for another time. 


The two lunchrooms that I supply with food are going well. The kids are being ministered to as well as some parents. It's hard to believe that in 2012 there are still children and adults going to bed hungry. The stories about about the two lunchrooms are many. 

For now I will briefly mention a 7 year old boy named Carlito, who is brought by his mom to one of the lunchrooms. Carlito's mom spoke to me about Carlito's speech. His speaking skills are lacking for a child his age. Although Carlito looks very sweet and well behaved, he has fits of rage and anger. As with tens of thousands of children in Juarez and other Cities, Carlito suffered the loss of his father in the violence in Juarez. Some children have even personally witnessed the death of a parent. These kids, like Carlito, need professional psychological help, along with the remaining parent, and the new father or mother figure, if there is one. If left untreated, children like Carlito have a very bleak future.


I still buy and hand out Bibles every chance I get. Recently, Bety Garcia, director of S.A.E.M. in El Paso (the same ministry that has given me bread, medical supplies, and clothing to take to Juarez) gave me 3 really nice study Bibles and asked me to give them to any Pastor that might need them. There are an untold number of Church leaders in Juarez that are without good study material so finding 3 would be no problem. At the last Pastor's meeting that I attended I announced that I would give out the Bibles to the first 3 Pastors to raise a hand. More than three hands went up but the first 3 got one. It was Pastors Lourdes, Agustina, and Dionisio. It broke my heart to see Pastor Dionisio's reaction when I handed him his new Study Bible. He cupped his face in his hands and began to weep. A few minutes later he raised one of his hands to the heavens and began to thank God for an answer to prayer. His new Study Bible was his new treasure. 


This coming Saturday a group of churches is having ten separate outdoor outreaches in different parts of the City. I am strongly involved in one of them. For this particular outreach I am donating 100 pounds each of rice, beans, and potatoes to be given to the poor. I purchased small plastic bags to give out about a pound of each item. Someone also gave me money to purchase more beans and potatoes. I will also be bringing a team of medical students who will do blood pressure tests and other basic medical reviews. I have donated tracts and bibles for the outreach, plus I will be making animal balloons for the children. We will also be having free haircuts, legal advice, free cooked meals and drinks. The outreach will conclude with an excellent Church service.  


On a personal note, the Lord continues to keep me strong and healthy. However my vehicle is not doing as well. It seems that more and more mechanical problems are accumulating.

I had another issue with someone climbing over my outside walls to come into my property to steal. This time they broke the small right rear window in back of my car. They took some stuff but left more than they took. Now I have tape on that window.

As a result of the burglaries, a ministry that I frequently visit and help gave me a 2 month old Rottweiler puppy so that I may raise him as a guard dog. I named him Samson. But it was not to be. Although Samson was the picture of health he died unexpectedly almost 2 weeks after I got him. I have to admit that I shed tears over his death. I don't know if it was because I had gotten attached so quickly to the cute little fella or because emotions in the field are tense and quick to respond.

There is no experience like being a missionary. Yes, it is a roller coaster, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I get to meet and work with some of the most amazing people on Earth. I also get a front row seat to see what the Holy Spirit is doing and how He is still changing lives.

There is still no doubt in my mind that the Lord is changing the path that this Nation has been in. I believe that, in time, the teams from the United States and Canada that used to come to Mexico to bless this Nation will return. There's no better time than the present. I will be glad to assist any team that wants to be a part of what the Lord is doing in Juarez. The harvest in Mexico is white. We must not let it go to waste. The Macedonian Call is being shouted from Mexico. The Lord still says, "GO".

We wait with arms wide open.

Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box 169
El Paso, Texas 79936

For tax credit:
Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 8126
Searcy, AR 72145

(To view the pictures closer, double click on them for a larger image).