In a couple of weeks I'll reach the 7 year mark of serving in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. No missionary ever forgets their departure from what they used to call home to the new residence appointed to them by the Lord. When the departure date is finally set there comes a flood of innumerable feelings, and sentiments. A missionary needs to know that he has heard the voice of God without question or there will be many problems. Even when a missionary is 100% sure of his call the enemy's voice is always there with every imaginable question and doubt. The departure then becomes a great test of faith. I recall pulling all my worldly belongings in a rental trailer for 995 miles from Searcy, Arkansas to El Paso, Texas (from there I would then cross into Juarez, Mexico). It seemed that the enemy's voice challenged me every mile traveled. The more I traveled the more I had to rebuke that voice and reassure myself that I had heard the voice of God. I had left behind many securities of life, but I wasn't sure what would happen to me once I reached what was then called the most dangerous city in the world. Before my departure most people that I knew were very kind and supportive. I left with their promise to pray for me, which meant more to me than gold. But there were very few that challenged me. They disagreed with what I was doing. I heard one accusation of leaving just to get attention. I heard another accusation of being irresponsible. Another accused me of abandoning my daughters. But in the end every accusation made me even stronger as I trusted only the Lord's voice. Every accusation made my obedience to the Lord even stronger and more determined. It was a good thing that as I departed I burned every bridge that would take me back to Searcy. There was absolutely no going back. But yet the bridge ahead of me seemed very insecure, wobbly, uncertain, and dangerous. But I knew that I knew that the Lord had me in the palm of His hand. I often compare my moving to Mexico to an Indiana Jones movie I once saw. His father was shot so that Indiana Jones would have no choice but to search for the holy grail whose powers would bring instant healing to his dad. Indiana reached a point where a great chasm separated him from his next step. There was no way he could jump from one point to the next. The instructions stated that he had to take a leap of faith. The love for his father caused him to take the leap. So he raised one leg and when he set it down into nothingness an invisible bridge connected him across to the place where he would find the grail. That's exactly how I felt. I felt at times that I was taking a step into nothingness but the Lord's hand has under-girded me for seven years. It was my love for the Father that has made me take steps that a few saw as being crazy and irresponsible. I'm not upset about those comments that seemed negative because in the end they helped me reach a greater faith.
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I don't think about my years in Juarez without thinking about Covenant Fellowship Church in Searcy, Arkansas. The church people and its leaders have done more for me and the work that I've been able to do in Juarez than anything I could have ever imagined. Without them the work would have been impossible. I thank the Lord for the day in which he connected me with such wonderful and godly people. Unfortunately Covenant Fellowship had to close its doors about 18 months ago but the work we started in Juarez as a team will always remain and the fruits of our labor will always be reproducing themselves in this needy city until the Lord returns.
Many things have taken place in these seven years. Many I don't write about because many people would not believe them. But those who have sown into this work will one day know "the rest of the incredible story".
I'm currently doing some discipleship classes with adults while Blanquita works with young adults, and children. The results have been wonderful. We are very pleased with the changes we are seeing in the lives of these people. They are praying and are experiencing the power of prayer as God answers their petitions. Besides other speaking opportunities I am committed to speaking at one particular church every Friday night and we are seeing the mighty hand of God move in many lives. Many couples who have just been living together for years are now planning their wedding. Living together without the benefit of marriage has become the norm down here, even with girls 12 years old. It's not uncommon for a 13 year old to be a single mother. Thank God for changed hearts.
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We were so blessed recently when we were able to help four young people get their birth certificates, which allows them to attend school next fall. Many parents don't bother to register their children at birth. It's as if they don't exist. As a result they can't get into school, vote, or get a job. The fee that the government puts on them for a late birth certificate increases with each passing year. Three of these kids recently saw their father and older brother shot to death in their own home. We reached out to them as they lived in extreme poverty. When we found out that they had never been to school we decided to do something. A fourth little boy was living with his grandmother because his parents had been killed. But the grandmother passed away. We were able to financially help a Pastor and his wife adopt the boy, get his birth certificate, and get his life moving. All four were so excited about getting their birth certificates that they hugged us and thanked us for helping them become "legal". All four are getting ready to attend school next fall and we have already provided their school supplies for them as well as other needy kids. And when I say "we", I include those who help support the work here in Juarez. Thank you so much for your support.
Oh, another thing that we were involved with recently was helping a dozen adults clean out the stones in their gallbladders. Yes, the Mexican diet leads to the growth of gall stones. It is said that 60% of all surgeries in Mexico are gallbladder related. In seven years I've been able to assist over 60 people in Mexico clean out their gallbladder, including a few that were scheduled for surgery. All our twelve participants passed the stones. The treatment also cleanses out kidneys stones as well. It's always a lot of fun listening to the testimonies of those who now have a clean gallbladder. About a year ago I helped a Pastor to rid himself of the gall stones but his surgeon insisted on surgery. I recommended that he get a second opinion but he decided to have the surgery that he didn't need. The drainage tube that the physician inserted in his body got infected, causing many issues that they could not correct. In a few weeks the Pastor died from the infections. Sometimes while talking to people who needed this treatment has led to their salvation as they accepted Jesus as Savior. We serve an amazing God.
Thank you all for these wonderful seven years.
Thanks again to all who have helped in supporting God's work in Juarez, Mexico. The Lord will be leading me into other nations soon. I had the privilege of ministering to congregations and in Pastor conferences in Cuba about 3 years ago. I know that doors to other nations will also open up soon. Churches or individuals feeling the call to help support the work in Juarez may reach me at the numbers below or leave a message at the end of this blog entry.
Blessings to everyone. Shalom. Please pray for Israel and for Juarez.
Daniel Torres
P. S. Double click on pictures to enlarge.