Jesus... said unto them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons...." Mark 16:15-17 (NIV; The Great Commission).
The Great Commission is a command, not a suggestion.
This blog entry will deal with the topic of demon possession as I have personally witnessed it in Juarez, Mexico and at times in the United States.
Demons are not to be taken lightly. They are real, powerful, and not to be played with (see Acts 19:13-16). Most people living in the United States have never been confronted with demon possession. I have my own personal opinion concerning why the U.S. does not witness this on the scale that we see it in other nations, especially Third World Nations and nations where idolatry is rampant. Actually, demons are all over the U.S. but I believe that they use a high level of stealth in the U.S. I'm not going to discuss the "why" in this blog entry; I have other things that I want to share. I deliberately waited until now to share this because Halloween is upon us and many people, including Christians and many churches, believe that it is innocent and harmless. But Halloween is a trick of the Devil to pry open many doors that will eventually be used to bring in things that the person will later regret. Halloween is definitely not a holiday (holy-day). There is nothing cute in little monsters and there is nothing innocent in the haunted houses that some churches use to raise funds for God's Kingdom. There is nothing harmless about vampires or the walking dead. When a person or child begins to like, enjoy, and see those things as harmless and fun the Devil has begun to pry open spiritual doors that will eventually be flown wide open for powerful Satanic attacks and possession. In the book of Mark, chapter 5, we read about a man who came to Jesus from the tombs. He lived there and he wore no clothing. He could not be bound with chains because he would break them in pieces. No man could tame him and he was always screaming. He would cut himself with stones, as some do today. His name was Legion because he had so many demons. I know that this man was not born like that nor did those things happen to him overnight. At some point in his life he or someone, probably a parent, allowed something to pry open the doors of his spirit for demons to enter. And eventually, little by little, this man came to be who he is now, totally and completely full of demons and uncontrollable. I'm sure his family wondered what happened with him and how he came to be like this. They probably helped him become like this. Parents beware!!! In the end Satan's goal is to kill that person and as many as he can by using that individual (see John 10:10). Does this sound familiar? Do we not see this in the news almost daily?
Some people believe that healing, miracles, and demons are a thing of the past. But I witness these things all the time. And I challenge anyone to show me in Scripture where the supernatural came to an end. If anything, these things have increased dramatically since we are in the last days.
I recently had another experience with demons. A young man, about 25, came to the front of the church (yes, church!) for prayer. I went up to pray for him and as I put my hands on him the demons in him began to manifest (many people walk around care free but have no clue that demons live in them or that the person next to them has demons). This encounter was my longest one yet with demons. In the past some people took a few seconds to be delivered, some took minutes, others took longer. This recent case took almost 3 hours. During this time the young man (under the power of the demons) did a lot of different things: he screamed, mocked, laughed hideously, prophesied (see Acts 16:16-18), sang, stood up, lied down, rolled on the floor, cursed, moved violently, and regurgitated what appeared to be blood. A minister and myself stayed with this man for the entire three hours. We knew that the young man had many demons but we didn't know just how many. When the man was finally set free he was so exhausted that he had to be carried out of the church. I was also very tired since he was very strong. The peace that we finally saw on his countenance was one of the evidences that he was set free.

What causes a person to be possessed by demons? The doors are many. Our culture is more fascinated by the demonic than by the things of the Spirit of God. We call evil good and good is called evil (Isaiah 5:20). From the time we barely learn to speak and understand we are bombarded with the things of Satan. Television programs, songs and music, games (Ouija boards and others), movies, books, and other forms of communication feed us a constant diet of evil. We become so desensitized and unaware that Satan is feeding our minds with so much evil that we even pass the plate to our own children. Hardly a cartoon or a Disney movie comes out that does not deal with Satanic forces including demons, witches, monsters, murder, witchcraft, spells, idolatry and so much more. Even the so called "Super Heroes" are full of the demonic. Yet we find them in the video libraries of Christian families and even in church nurseries. When we participate in these things we are supporting the kingdom of Satan and opening the doors of our spirits and the spirits of our loved ones to Satanic forces. Before long people are doing the Devil's work and we wonder what happened. To add insult to injury we have removed God from schools but Satanic forces and influences are allowed to remain. We raise up generations with a demonic mindset and with open doors to Satanic work and forces. Children, not just adults, are involved in murders, suicide, drugs, sexual perversion and all the other evils of Satan. Many times the person is locked up and the crimes are excused because the person has a "mental condition".
Christians are very careless about Satanic influences. Television programs bring these influences right into the living rooms and bedrooms and families sit down together to watch such things. An interest in these things increase and to most people they appear to be normal, innocent, and harmless. But as one who deals with the Satanic and with demon possession constantly I beg Christians and churches to open up their eyes and raise up their guard (see Mark 3:27 and Luke 11:21). Parents a well as churches have a responsibility to guard their house and their children.
There are so many other things that I can write about this subject but I just want to raise up a red flag. There are many Christian books on the subject and there are Godly people that you can go to for counseling. Don't let Satan creep into your life, into your home, and into your family. I especially encourage fathers, who are the high priests of the home, and mothers to be watchful.
I love my Beloved...
Daniel Torres
650 Linwood Drive
El Paso, Texas 79928