Have you ever seen or heard of a grown woman break down in tears because you handed her a loaf of bread? I have. As she prayed to God for food the bread was being carried to her door. Knock, knock..., Yes???, We want to give you this bread in Jesus' name. She weeps...she can't speak...finally is able to speak and mentions about her prayer for food. Her and her boys had been hungry for some time but there was no food. And there was nowhere to get any food. In no time the boys break into the bag and begin filling their bellies with bread. We had more bread to offer her. Back at the local church I had rice and beans for a new lunchroom that we were planning on opening in a week. We shared some of that food with her. We shared Jesus with her. She cried again. Heaven was moved.
It's hard to believe that in the year 2012 there are people who go bed hungry, but many still do. In the United States, in Mexico, and all over the world.
Kids here in Juarez, Mexico do not get lunch at school. If they don't bring something to eat they just go without. Parents are struggling to feed their children and themselves. Prices at the stores are the same or higher than in the United States, yet people are making less than $100US per week at work. And that's only if they are fortunate enough to have a job.
I have been buying rice, beans, and potatoes and distributing them between to the two lunchrooms that I have opened up and a few other ministries. Spanish American Evangelistic Ministries, on the El Paso, Texas side has been giving me bread which is donated to them for distribution. The bread is outdated but still very good. It's not just regular white bread, but good whole wheat bread with nuts. The bread is excellent and very nutritional. I ask for continued prayer as I take this bread across the border. I have not been stopped thus far but if they stop me they can take the food from me or they can be really nice and just make me go back to El Paso with it.
At the two lunchrooms we feed kids and their parents. The idea is to try to feed them one good meal a week. It is amazing how much these kids can eat. After a very full plate, most still want seconds. And we let them eat until they are content. Prior to the meal they have Bible study, songs, and games. Many kids and some parents have accepted the Lord as Savior. Hopefully in the future we can do this more than once a week. But there are still tens of thousands going hungry everyday in Juarez. I have been trying to encourage churches to open up a lunchroom in a similar way but many have a hard time taking that initial step of faith.
I recently went on a long trip to the East side of the U.S./Mexico border. The invitation was made and I made a decision to go. I know that the Lord will eventually take me all over the Nation of Mexico and it seems that doors are opening for me to do so. I keep getting invitations almost weekly to go outside of Juarez. Last week I visited Reynosa and Matamoros, Mexico. Both are troubled border Cities. They are located close to the Southernmost point of Texas. Probably what caught my attention the most was that after an 800 mile trip to that side of Mexico things are the same, if not worse, than in Juarez, Mexico. The violence, the dangers, the murders, the poverty, and the suffering still met me head on like a freight train.
In Reynosa we visited a ministry just at the edge of a City dump. The Pastor's wife greeted us and invited us in. The dump was right behind their house. From there you can see shacks built right in the middle of the dump with whatever material people can find. Yes, families live there. When the garbage truck comes they can sift through the trash and find things to recycle or eat. I left there with a headache due to the smell.
I got to meet some wonderful and dedicated servants of God. One Pastor was walking on crutches. Recently he was caught in the middle of a shoot-out and his knee cap was blown away by a bullet. Initially they informed him that his leg would have to be amputated but God worked a miracle and he can almost walk without the aid of his crutches. I heard stories like these over and over again.
I could say more about what I heard and what I witnessed. Maybe at some other point I'll do that. But even now, days later, my heart is heavy as I think about that experience. Mexico is a nation that is hurting, suffering, dying. But God is moving and stretching out His ams to lift it out of the quicksand. In prayer I ask God how He is going to change all this. And I know that this WILL all change. I just don't know how. In the history of the world Juarez is 2nd as the City that is most prayed for. Jerusalem is number one. God is going to change all this but it will take miracles comparable to the ones in the Scriptures as God took Israel out of Egypt and brought them through the desert for 40 years. Is God's hand too short that He can't do that any longer? Of course not!!! God will do it!!! And when He does the entire world will know that there is a God in Mexico. Yes, Mexico is going to be transformed.
Mexico needs your prayers, it needs your help, it needs men and women of faith who will step out and believe God for such miracles. I know God is sending out the Macedonian call for believers to get involved. If not in Mexico, then in other parts of the world. Are you one them? Do you hear His voice? Take a leap of faith!!!
Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box 169
El Paso, Texas 79936
Kids here in Juarez, Mexico do not get lunch at school. If they don't bring something to eat they just go without. Parents are struggling to feed their children and themselves. Prices at the stores are the same or higher than in the United States, yet people are making less than $100US per week at work. And that's only if they are fortunate enough to have a job.
At the two lunchrooms we feed kids and their parents. The idea is to try to feed them one good meal a week. It is amazing how much these kids can eat. After a very full plate, most still want seconds. And we let them eat until they are content. Prior to the meal they have Bible study, songs, and games. Many kids and some parents have accepted the Lord as Savior. Hopefully in the future we can do this more than once a week. But there are still tens of thousands going hungry everyday in Juarez. I have been trying to encourage churches to open up a lunchroom in a similar way but many have a hard time taking that initial step of faith.
In Reynosa we visited a ministry just at the edge of a City dump. The Pastor's wife greeted us and invited us in. The dump was right behind their house. From there you can see shacks built right in the middle of the dump with whatever material people can find. Yes, families live there. When the garbage truck comes they can sift through the trash and find things to recycle or eat. I left there with a headache due to the smell.
I got to meet some wonderful and dedicated servants of God. One Pastor was walking on crutches. Recently he was caught in the middle of a shoot-out and his knee cap was blown away by a bullet. Initially they informed him that his leg would have to be amputated but God worked a miracle and he can almost walk without the aid of his crutches. I heard stories like these over and over again.
I could say more about what I heard and what I witnessed. Maybe at some other point I'll do that. But even now, days later, my heart is heavy as I think about that experience. Mexico is a nation that is hurting, suffering, dying. But God is moving and stretching out His ams to lift it out of the quicksand. In prayer I ask God how He is going to change all this. And I know that this WILL all change. I just don't know how. In the history of the world Juarez is 2nd as the City that is most prayed for. Jerusalem is number one. God is going to change all this but it will take miracles comparable to the ones in the Scriptures as God took Israel out of Egypt and brought them through the desert for 40 years. Is God's hand too short that He can't do that any longer? Of course not!!! God will do it!!! And when He does the entire world will know that there is a God in Mexico. Yes, Mexico is going to be transformed.
Mexico needs your prayers, it needs your help, it needs men and women of faith who will step out and believe God for such miracles. I know God is sending out the Macedonian call for believers to get involved. If not in Mexico, then in other parts of the world. Are you one them? Do you hear His voice? Take a leap of faith!!!
Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box 169
El Paso, Texas 79936
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