One of the most exciting events has been the four day fast with Pastors, their wives, and a few other souls who wanted to join in. We had a total of 25 initial 'fasters'. It took me a number of trips to El Paso to gather all the things needed for this particular fast. The supplies are not easily found in Juarez and, if found, cost almost twice as much. The total cost of this fast was about $500. We met on Saturday June 16 so that I may give instructions for the fast, plus hand out all the liquids needed. The Spiritual re-awakening and cleansing is the most important part of any fast but, as an added benefit, this fast also totally empties out the kidneys and gall bladder of any stones. A good fast also helps to detoxify our bodies. It serves as a great tune-up for out physical as well as our spiritual being. If Jesus fasted, how much more should we? It is a certainty that all individuals who still have a gall bladder and who have not done this fast before have gall stones. A few also have kidney stones. During the meeting I stressed the importance of the Spiritual fast. We know that the believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and what affects the body also affects the Spirit of man. The Pastors wanted to start the fast the following Monday, the 18th of June. I called another meeting the following Saturday, to share testimonies of the fast and to enjoy Communion together. Before the second Saturday came around I was already hearing of some amazing stories. Here are some of the fast results:
Everyone who fasted prayed for everyone else who fasted. Everyone involved in the fast experienced Spiritual renewal including words from the Lord, wisdom, knowledge, direction, and guidance, along with renewed hope. One Pastor was told by the Spirit of God about a wolf in sheep's clothing in his church, whom he thought was a great servant of God. The Pastor did some investigating and, sure enough, he was very alarmed to find some disturbing truths of things going on in his church, right under his nose. This surfaced before the fast even ended. The pastor corrected the problem even though he lost a few members in his small congregation. He was very happy with the way things unfolded, though he was also saddened by the events. That same Pastor spoke about how "grossed out" he was when he passed parasites on the third day of the fast. He passed them though his urine and they were still alive. He asked his wife to come see them as they swam in the commode. They said that they looked like tiny octopuses bobbing up and down in the water. The Pastor had been suffering with severe back pain prior to the fast, but not after. This same Pastor's wife, in her early 40's, testified about some physical problems that she had experienced in the past two years. Two months before the fast she felt that she couldn't go on any more. Before she finished the fast she felt 100% better. She wept uncontrollably as she testified about her experiences during the four days. She was extremely thankful for her new life. Another lady passed about 200 stones along along chili seeds from her gall bladder. She also had been suffering physically for 2 years. During the last 12 months she has been in constant 24 hour-a-day pain from head to toe. After the fast the only pain that she had left was a slight headache. We prayed for her to get total relief from her headache. Another incredible testimony was the one given by an evangelist couple. I wrote a story in this blog about them titled THE SHOES OF THE HAIRSTYLIST. Daniel pumped his body several times a day with hormones. He did this for 20 years to become a woman physically. He gave his life to the Lord and was instantly set free from homosexuality, however, ten years later, he still felt that his body was filled with the toxins from all the hormones. During the fast he was totally cleaned and he no longer felt the affects in his body. His wife, Irene, had body aches for the past two months, including swelling of the feet. She was also set free from the toxins that were causing all her troubles. Some couples testified about how much younger their mates looked after the fast.
Everyone passed gall stones. The number of stones ranged from approximately 100 to 200. Everyone got up to the microphone to testify. They ALL thanked me and their American brothers and sisters for this huge blessing. We had communion, celebrated, laughed, cried, and prayed. The fast brought the Pastors and leaders closer together.
Before the fast ended I was called to visit a few people who are on the list for gall bladder surgery. One particular 20 year old woman had traveled 2 hours (with her 4 month old) by bus to come to Juarez for Father's Day. She started having gall bladder problems a year ago. While in Juarez she became very ill, was hospitalized, and told that she needed gall bladder surgery. She refused surgery for several reasons. I went to visit her. I took her everything that she needed and started her on a fast immediately. Today she is back home with her baby and husband and is free of stones in her gall bladder. Currently, I have 3 others with severe gall bladder problems on the fast. I always stress to them the importance of prayer and Bible study during the fast. I also have a list of 10 people who need the fast. I have had to increase my trips to El Paso from one to two and three a week. I have to bring what I need from El Paso a little at a time.
I sense that people here are getting excited about fasting, which was something that they rarely did. Most people spoke about only fasting a half a day in the past, but even that had been years ago. I have asked church leaders that we must make fasting part of the Christian lifestyle and to teach their people about fasting.
In the near future I will be introducing many leaders to a 10 day fast. Prayer and fasting is what the Lord wants so that He may change lives. I have also been told by a medical Doctor that he may call on me to speak before a group of Doctors about this fast.
Moving on to other FAST RESULTS... I now have seven baby rabbits living in my back yard. I started with four adult rabbits on May 22. They all seem to be doing well. However, on the other side of town we started with a dozen rabbits and we are down to only one. The rest have died. I suspect that there are several causes for this. When I visit that place I often find the rabbits without water (temperatures are now above 100 almost daily), and cages not cleaned properly. I also suspect that too many children are allowed to play with the rabbits without adult supervision and they are being mishandled. I have spoken to them about this before. I decided not to bring any more rabbits to that area and to just raise chickens there. The chickens are doing well there. Recently they had 9 eggs hatch. I also plan to bring the remaining rabbit to my back yard until I can move them to another place where I know they will be taken proper care of.
I plan on writing more about current events very shortly.
Thanks to all for your continued prayers, support, and words of love and encouragement. As usual, you are free to share these stories.
Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box 169
El Paso, Texas 79936
For tax credited contributions:
Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 8126
Searcy, Arkansas 72145
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