Sunday, April 15, 2012


I met a "Sicario" a while back.  A sicario is a hired killer.  They make a lot of money.  He has always been very nice to me.  I knew without a doubt that someday I would meet someone like him.  I just didn't knew it would be this soon.  He respected me even though I tried speaking to him about his errors and God's love.  He spoke to me about the horrible things that he did, but the love of money had him bound.  One time I asked him if he realized that he was surely sending people to hell, without God.  He told me that I was wrong.  He explained to me how before he kills them that he makes them get on their knees and ask forgiveness for their sins.  I told him that he was wrong, they were repenting, but not from their hearts.  Then I asked him about his own salvation, and about the possibility of someone killing him.  He told me that he knew how to ask forgiveness for his wrong doings.  To me it sounded like pure mockery.  We would shake hands and speak again another time.  Last Tuesday afternoon I looked behind me in church and he was walking in.  He was carrying a large object wrapped in a black plastic.  I knew that it was his shotgun.  Under his shirt he carried a revolver.  I was surprised that he was there and even more surprised that he carried his weapon into church.  But I guess I was the only one there who knew that he was carrying in two weapons.  At the end of the sermon he came forward and asked the Lord into his heart.  He was at the altar with his weapons.  We prayed.  He wept.  After the service, outside the church, I asked him what had happened.  He told me that was time.  It was time that he changed his life.  He has a lot of obstacles ahead.  Now he will be the one who is being hunted.  He will no longer make huge amounts of money in a poverty stricken land.  He has a hard road ahead, but with God all things are possible. 

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