There was a time in Juarez, Mexico that the murder rate was over 3,000 a year. I don't know how many years that went on, or if the numbers have truly dropped as the politicians would make us believe. The fact is that the number of murders accounts for the very high number of orphans and widows in Juarez. Add to that the number of fathers who are in jail for robbery and other crimes, the ones who just decide to pack up and leave simply because their manhood (machismo) is compromised because they can't provide for their families, and even the ones who for the same reasons commit suicide, we soon get a reality check on what's happening in Juarez. So the City keeps growing with orphans, orphanages, and widows. The sins of the world have taken a toll on the most innocent: the children. They grow up in the streets. Many are bitter, angry, feeling the daily pains of hunger, uneducated, without hope, without direction, without a dad, many times without a mom, and without love. The drug cartels offer them a way out of poverty and many of them go into a life of crime. Then they begin to have kids and the cycle continues. It is very frustrating to see this going on...and very heartbreaking. What do you do?
There are ministries in the City trying to reach out to these kids and families. God has placed it in the hearts of many to start feeding centers where kids and moms can come and receive a free meal once, twice, maybe three times a week. The kids go through a Sunday School type lesson before each meal, with prayer, worship, encouragement, games, and lots of love.
I have attended some of these feeding centers. One particular time the kids sat around the table and before offering thanks for the food the kids were asked to give a short testimony. One little boy stood up and thanked God because, as he put it, "Today I won't go hungry". All the adults workers stare at each other and fight the tears.
Wednesday morning I went out for a Prayer-Walk and passed one of these Children's Feeding Centers. It's only three short blocks from my house. I had passed it several times before but this time the Lord wanted me to stop in even though it was about 6 hours before they would offer a free evening meal. One of the men who helps out was on the premises and he was more than glad to let me visit with him. His name is Luisito Perez. I told him who I was and he gladly showed me around the place. By Juarez standards the place was big and comfortable. The kids had ample room for play and for eating. The eating area was outside, so eventually that would be a problem when the cold weather hits again. Luisito and Enrique Valle, the man who oversees the ministry live on the premises. There is a married couple, Rodrigo Campos and Lizeth Ferrazas, who are helpers, mentors, and counselors. Together these 4 adults do all they possibly can on a very limited budget to provide meals, teaching, and love for the kids that come. They feed about 50 kids. I came back that same evening to visit the operation while the kids were there and to meet the rest of the small team. I promised the team that I would help them in whatever way I could. I also promised them that I would bring in a team of clowns to minister to the kids in a couple of weeks. The name given to this Children's Feeding Center is The Apple Of God's Eye. A very fitting name as we all know the special place that children have in the heart of Jesus. I thank God for people like the ones I met at this ministry. They are making huge sacrifices to change the City we live in.
About three weeks ago I was at a similar Children's Feeding Center. When I was leaving, 5 of the children stopped me. They asked me if I would lead them in a prayer so that they may accept Jesus as Savior. I couldn't believe my ears. I had them to hold hands as I prayed. They all closed their eyes. They repeated my prayer and smiled. I got lots of hugs. I told them that when I returned in one week that I would bring each one a Children's New Testament. A week later while approaching the ministry I wondered if they had forgotten about the Bibles. But before I parked they were all surrounding my vehicle and waiting on their Bibles.
The last time that I had a Pastor's Meeting I encouraged all the Pastors to get their churches involved in some kind of feeding program. If we can reach children for Jesus we can change an entire generation. Filling their little bellies and then filling their hearts with the love of Jesus is the way to go.
Ministries like these are opportunities for others to do something special. For a small amount of funds a lot of kids can receive a good meal and lots of love. As with any other project that I am involved in, if anyone wishes to assist these Children Feeding ministries just send any amount to my address in El Paso or to Covenant Fellowship and we will see that they get the funds that are sent.
Daniel Torres For tax-deductible contributions:
11985 Pellicano Covenant Fellowship
Ste. G, Box 169 P.O. Box 8126
El Paso, Texas 79936 Searcy, AR 72145
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