Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UPDATES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not written any Blogs since I wrote about the visit to Juarez from Pastors Luis and Dalis Acevedo.  They traveled from Kissimmee, Florida.  Their visit was a huge blessing to me and to all those who came into contact with them.  Pastor Luis Acevedo called me last week to inform me that they were going to return to Juarez for another visit, quite possibly by the end of July.  I will be involved in arranging some of the places that they will visit and minister at.  This came as a great honor to me.  I am very excited that they will be returning to Juarez. 

The Chicken-Hare project is moving slower than I would like, but we are beginning to make some progress.  I built two rabbit cages to go inside the larger cage.  This will be to facilitate the separation of the rabbits in order to keep them multiplying as much as possible, and to keep the males from causing bodily damage to each other and the young.  On the chicken side we have 15 hens and one rooster.  On the rabbit side we only have two rabbits for now.  One is a full size female, and the other is a male who is a little smaller, but he will reach full size soon.  They both share the same small cage so hopefully we will see baby rabbits in several weeks.  A couple of days ago I drove to purchase more rabbits but both places that I went to were closed.  I recently heard some people talking about how they would like to start raising chickens and rabbits which to me was very encouraging.  If enough people would do so, the hunger problems in some of these communities would ease up.  As soon as I can get this project up and running I will be bringing Pastors for a tour to show them what they can do for their communities.  This will turn into an incredible ministry. 

One project that has been heavy on my heart is the Prayer Tent Project.  It seems that every time that I want to get it off the ground something comes up to stop me.  This will be an incredible outreach project.  I purchased a large neon-green tent that will be set up as a portable Prayer House to be used at the local flea markets.  These flea markets are about the biggest highlight of the weekends in Juarez.  Last Saturday I had time to take a walk through one of these flea markets that are all over the City.  I estimate that the one that I visited must have over 10,000 people walking through in one day. These flea markets are open 2, 3, and some 4 days out of the week.  I have everything that I need to set up the Prayer Tent.  The sign outside will read, "GIVE US A FEW MINUTES TO PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY".  That should bring many inside.  Hopefully I can get this started very soon.  I also have almost 20,000 tracts to hand out.  Once I get this off the ground I should be able to get Pastors and other saints to help. It will take 8 to 10 people to properly run this ministry.  Some people will be inside the tent and others will minister outside.  

Something else that I have been wanting to do is to get Christians baptized.  Juarez is in a desert.  There are no ponds, rivers, or lakes to baptize new saints.  Very, very few churches have the luxury of a baptistery.  In many areas of the City water is still brought in and sold to residents by water trucks.   Many people have a difficult time paying for the water.  Many Pastors find a church that has a baptistery or a small pool and bring the new saints over for baptism.  They leave the host Pastor some money for the cost of the water.  After a few calls and e-mails to friends I finally connected with a Company in Corpus Christi that sells portable baptisteries.  After just one e-mail to the company they told me that they would send me their $350 portable baptistery totally free.  Once I receive it we will have mass baptismal services.

This Saturday morning I have a breakfast with some men representing Gideon's International.  Later that day at 6pm I will be speaking at a church service.  Actually, there are several churches that came together and they invited me to be the speaker for that evening.  The churches asked the City permission to close off the street so that we may have an open-air service.  So, I will be speaking right in the street.  I am very excited about this and I look forward to seeing many souls rescued and God's hand move.

Finally, the murders, violence, and unlawful acts throughout the City remain the same.  There were 6 murders in Juarez yesterday.  The unemployment number is still very high, the ones who work are paid very little,  education is of low priority, corruption remains a mammoth problem, the cartels offer people a quick fix with lots of money, and drugs and alcohol are used by many as a temporary fix to forget their problems.  This, of course, only creates more problems.  It's a vicious circle.  We know that Jesus is the only permanent answer.  (With all this happening there are three brave women who will be driving down from Arkansas in about 4 weeks to minister here in Mexico.  Maybe I'll get to see them, but regardless, they need out prayers.)

In the end, I know that the Lord will turn this City around to the shock and amazement of this world.  And I'll be here to witness it. 

Blessings to all.

Daniel Torres                                      For tax-credit contributions:
11985 Pellicano                                  Covenant Fellowship
Ste. G, Box 169                                  P.O. Box 8126
El Paso, Texas 79936                         Searcy, Arkansas 72145

This month the Nation of Peru was added to the list of Nations that receive this Blog.  Please forward this blog to family and friends so that we may add more Nations to the list. 

I tried for hours to load up some pictures, but for some reason I was not able to.  Hopefully by the next Blog this problem will be fixed.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Daniel Torres with Pastors Luis and Dalis Acevedo

The end of April marked my 9th month as a full-time missionary living in Juarez.   I know that the Lord birthed something in me last week that will take me deeper into what He has for me and for this needy City of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.  On the last week of my eight month in Juarez, the Lord brought Pastors Luis and Dalis Acevedo into my life.  They pastor a church in Kissimmee, Florida.  I know that they were God-sent.  But not just to me, but to the multitudes that they ministered to.  Only one other time in my 35 years of knowing the Lord have I seen such a powerful and anointed ministry.  Just hours before they were scheduled to arrive at the El Paso Airport I received a phone call asking if I could pick them up and bring them to Juarez.  I had been  wondering why my agenda was empty for those days.  God works in mysterious ways.  The plan was for them to be in Juarez for 5 days of ministry.  Some days they had  2 services scheduled in one day. Some of the church services lasted 4 to 5 1/2 hours.  I ended up driving them to their respective churches, and then back to the Airport on April 30th.  I got to know them well after those 5 days.  It was a huge blessing to have known them.  As it turned out they are both from Puerto Rico, the place of my birth. 

One of the things that I began to notice immediately about their ministry in the churches of Juarez, was the vast number of new Pastors and leaders that the Lord was calling out through them.  This included worship leaders, singers, and musicians, which are the front lines of spiritual battle.  The ones called were both older folk as well as...children.  Pastor Luis and his wife Dalis have never been to Mexico or Juarez before.  Everyone that they met here, they met for the first time.  Yet the Holy Spirit would show them who He was calling out, and for what specific work.  They also spoke to me about my calling as a missionary and the work that the Lord had for me in Juarez.  The end result, as I saw it, was that the Lord has been, and is preparing a huge Spiritual Army for the great move of God that is about to transform this City, known as the Most Violent City on Earth.  In every church that we visited God was calling out workers into the fields.  As a matter of fact, some were called to leave Juarez to go to other Nations.  Some were the United States!! 

When people remind me that this City is the Most Violent on Earth, I just tell them that it just makes the harvest here greater than anywhere else on Earth.  I ask them to get to work on the harvest. 

To me this is not only marks the start of the transformation of Juarez, but the Spiritual Tsunami that will hit the Earth soon.  And then...the Lord will return in the clouds to receive His church, His bride, the ones that He died for and accepted His sacrifice (see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and The Book Of Acts 1:9-11).  I believe that the greatest Spiritual revival that the world will ever know will start in Juarez and the revival fires will sweep in every direction throughout the globe.  

Pastors Luis and Dalis are scheduled to go to Costa Rica, Venezuela, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, and England, I believe, in 2012.  They also plan to return to Juarez in June of this year.  I can't help but to think that, in those other Nations, God will call many more into the vast Army of laborers that He is preparing for these last days.  And I know that this couple is not the only one that the Lord is using to call others into the Field of Souls.

If you have no idea about what I am talking about, then you owe it to yourself, and to those around you, to find out what all this means. It's a matter of eternal life or eternal death.  I often tell people that there is something worse than going to an eternal hell-fire...and that's ending up there, looking around, and finding out that, through your example, you brought others with you...even your own children.

The harvest is all around us!!

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.  When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.   Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."   Matthew 9:35-38. 

And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.  Luke 21:27,28.

This blog was opened 24 times in Russia the last month.  It has also reached Germany, England, France, India, and other Nations.  Please forward this blog to family and friends and let's see where it will go to next.  

Blessings to all.

Daniel Torres
11985 Pellicano
Ste. G, Box 169
El Paso, Texas, 79936

For Tax Receipts:
Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 8126
Searcy, Arkansas 72145